Saturday, December 18, 2010

Evening Day 2 - Tokyo Alive!

Evening Day 2
Last night was a blast! Tokyotian streets are most alive at night time. There is music, millions of people (I am not exaggerating!) and thousands of shopkeepers yelling out to the world that you should come and buy their product. We walked around for about 30mins absorbing the culture and taking in the surroundings. We ate dinner at about 7:45. It was pretty nice but not the most fantastic place ever. (We had to eat some animals bullocks!) I'm still trying to grasp how to use chopsticks! We finished dinner and then went to 'Cold Stone Creamery' which is just 'Cold Rock Creamery' with a translation error. The ice-cream was pretty good but while they were making it i was put through a disturbing procedure. While the staff were making the ice-cream, they began to sing AT me. They sang 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' in some form of broken English AND they expected me to smile! After a disturbing night - This is Marc - Signing off!

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